Silver Salmon

Silver Salmon
Adults usually weigh 8 to 12 pounds and are 24 to 30 inches long, but individuals weighing 31 pounds have been landed. Adults in salt water or newly returning to fresh water are bright silver with small black spots on the back and on the upper lobe of the tail fin. They can be distinguished from Chinook salmon by the lack of black spots on the lower lobe of the tail and by their white gums; Chinook have small black spots on both tail fin lobes and they have black gums. (from ADF&G site)
Silvers or/ Coho Salmon are the most entertaining fish to catch…they are aggressive and can be big as the season moves into September. They can be first seen spotty in July as traveling fish migrate by…but in August the local variety show up and they spend weeks in the bay gathering up there bait growing in size dramatically in just a few weeks to run the rivers in the Yakutat fore lands. In Yakutat they are the ones that make the whole coast come alive with fish in the bay fish in the the rivers and creeks all up and down the coastline near and far from Yakutat.
The Coho’s are favorite for Yakutat visitors and rarely fail to impress anglers with there aggressive bites and fights. Often in the ocean we are able to find and target them mooching for them. With action on your lure or bait there is sure to be something soon…coming. We are allowed 6 per day in the ocean and various Rivers and streams they allow 2-4 per day. This make the fall silver run the busiest part of the Yakutat season. Starting in mid August in the bay and going till end of September strong in the rivers.Yakutat is know to have one of the Last runs of salmon in the state lingering all the way in to late October and sometimes we are still seeing bright fish in November in the river.
Silvers are integral part of what makes Yakutat strong as a destination. IF you look close at the marina there are a lot of local Trollers that fish commercially with hook and line for silvers landing in the 100’s of fish a day is not uncommon on the commercial side of it.
There is really a strong following for this fish as good table fare and great on light tackle fight.
more information at the Alaska dept of fish and game. here.
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