Yakutat’s largest Sport fishing charter boat. The ” Sea Wolf“ is a 33 ft. x 11 ft. Aluminum Offshore fishing vessel. Offering Huge fishing cockpit with a full walk around fishing deck, and large heated cabin. The “Sea Wolf” was designed and built in Yakutat, for this area and style of fishing. Years of experience and study have found it’s way into the design and character of the hull and cabin to make it a very stable, very spacious, very comfortable and extremely sea worthy vessel.
The “Sea Wolf” is fully outfitted with today’s best fishing equipment with available electric reels and large heated accommodations making it one of the best platforms in Yakutat to enjoy a great day on the ocean in extraordinary comfort.
The “Sea Wolf” is Yakutat’s premium offering in charterboat selection!

- Powered with twin 250 hp powered outboards
- Large heated cabin
- Seating for 7 plus Captain
- Built-in marine head (toilet)
- Forward bunks for resting
- State of the art navigation and fishing electronics
- Huge fishing deck
- Electric down-riggers
One of Yakutat’s largest Sport fishing charter boat. The “Sea Wolf “is a 33 ft. x 11 ft. Aluminum Offshore fishing vessel. Offering Huge fishing cockpit with a full walk around fishing deck, and large heated