Alaska Guided Angler Fish Program
Alaska ‘Guided Angler Fish’ Program 2021
The regulations have changed over the years and have become a bit leaner since 2014. The Guided Angler Fish program was implemented to help the sport fishermen take maximum advantage of the fishing opportunity by allowing ANY angler with a valid fishing license to Keep 1 FISH that may have to be released do to restraining regulations. Here in Yakutat, I explain this as’ your allowed to Keep one halibut of any size and one 32 inches or less for 2021 on a normal day. however If you get your one of any size and land it…and then another large fish hits your line…you can elect to keep it as well, by choosing to use a GAF.’ There is a fee to this and is based on leasing commercial quota to the boats for such use. The price varies based on amount of lbs. exchanged for each GAF from year to year. There is no size limit or criteria for the GAF fish and can also be used when NORMALLY closed fishing is in force. However the overall limit still remains at 2 total fish per day. This is not a 3rd add on fish…simply a chance to upgrade from 32 inch of less…or Keep , one that was caught on a otherwise closed to halibut day…Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 2021. While we do not TARGET halibut generally on closed days we do catch A LOT of them drifting for lings and rock fish. A LOT ! Often/ generally big enough to consider for this program. Often groups will elect to keep one as a affordable add on to the days efforts. If it is large enough it can be of great value to the fishermen and affordable when considering market price or store bought price $$ back in there grocery stores. You can ask specifics from the captains as well is details from Noaa Fishery Service
The following example page is from the Dowloadable PDF that is available
Ask Captain Scott
Call and talk with Captain Scott about how the Guided Angler Program works.