Chinook / King Salmon

King Salmon
Commonly there is a annual limit on the King salmon for ocean fisheries…this is announced on a year to year basis and is usally announced in the spring. While stocks statewide are rebounding there has been commonly a 1 a day limit (over 28 inches) and the annual limit can fluctuate between 1-4 annually for NON RESIDENT sport anglers.
The Chinook salmon is the largest of all Pacific salmon, typically measuring 36 inches in length, often exceeding 30 pounds. Adults are distinguished by the black irregular spotting on the back and dorsal fins and on both lobes of the caudal or tail fin. Chinook salmon also have a black pigment along the gum line, thus the name “blackmouth” in some areas.
With the Great size of Alaska come great expectations for fish. Halibut and Kings are the most sought after when talking about size. The state sport record for kings is 97lb,4-0z. There are variable genetic runs from area to area and most folks do not know they roam the Whole coast from California to Washington and Alaska all they up and over to Aluetion chain and beyond. In the commercial fisheries we often see groups of fish in Yakutat roaming by our near coast fishery. Each with characteristics that give them away as belonging to certain geography’s or river destinations. As the layman you can not name them but they do carry DNA signatures and sometimes robust features that will allow Fish and game and a trained eye to classify where some may be from.
Over the years i have seen many, many king salmon and made a living exporting them direct off my boat to markets all over the lower 48. It is a joy and wonder to be able to pull fish from the cool, clean waters of Alaska and share them with so many people.
Often the question …what is your biggest King salmon. Ironically seeing so many does not always equate to the biggest. Commercially I think the biggest was in the mid 40lbs. In the commercial fisheries the average is well below 20# something like 14-17 is the Average. However for a charter on light tackle we once landed a 62# king. (thought it was a porpoise when it came along side the boat, it was SO BIG!.)
In Yakutat we have some of our bigger fish come through in the month of MAY seems like 12-22nd ball bark from year to year..the reports and landings are often in the high 30’s with some real trophies going larger. June and early July prove to be strong months as well and provide a great 2nd Target species when done with Halibut fishing. Over the years I have educated and coached clients that they are not all 90# fish…as mentioned the average landed fish state wide are below 20#. None the less every king is special to catch. With there signatures profile and markings with a unique smell and natural splendor of colors they are truly my favorite game fish to fish for. If you are uniquely lucky you may catch a White King. This is special HARD fighting fish that has the flesh color similar to halibut a cream white…and THE VERY BEST to eat. They look all the same on the outside…but when cleanded they reveal there secret natural wonder.
When coming to Yakutat. call ahead and check to see if your trip is a good time of year to add a KING STAMP to your fishing licenses. With local insight and hands on Knowledge it is often a good gamble to have your stamp in hand!.
Here is some other backdrop form fish and game and link to BUY your fishing liscense as well. In 2020 ALL fishing licenses will need to be bought Online.
2021 King Salmon Regulations
Yakutat Charters is happy to announce and forward the 2021 King salmon regulations for sport fish. In spite of the average decline in kings the past 8 years statewide. There have been some bright spots and some eye opening regulations the past 2 seasons. 2020 started...